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Oh! What a lovely podcast

May 1, 2021

How do you turn the First World War into a computer game?
In this episode Chris and Angus talk to Yoan Fanise the developer behind such First World War computer games as Valiant Hearts: The Great War and 11-11: Memories Retold. Along the way we discuss making the audience cry, different national interpretations and memories of the conflict, and whether it's become easier to sell a First World War computer game.
11-11: Memories Retold (DigixArt: 2018)
Battlefield 1 (EA Dice: 2016)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (Ubisoft: 2014) 
Verdun 1914-1918 (M2H & Blackmill Games: 2013)
Apocalypse: World War 1 (Francetv 2: 2014)
Additional Reading

It’s Hard to Play in the Trenches: World War I,Collective Memory and Videogames – Adam Chapman

Great War Games: Notes on Collective Memory, theAdynaton, and Posthumanism - Iro Filippaki

Pixel Lions – the image of the soldier in First World War computer games - Chris Kempshall

War collaborators: documentary and historical sources inFirst World War computer games- Chris Kempshall  

Race, Battlefield 1 and the White Mythic Space of theFirst World War - Stefan Aguirre Quiroga

Liminality and the Smearing of War and Play inBattlefield 1 - Debra Ramsay